Mind, body & spirit


Feeling peace and wholeness in our bodies is not achieved through the sole attention to our physical frames. Of equal importance is the time and attention we give to the fitness of our mind and spirit.


I firmly believe that pursuing knowledge is vital. I also believe that nurturing our spirit through prayer, meditation and study of spiritual things brings tremendous peace and clarity.

Although I’ve always held a firm belief of these truths, it’s been harder for me to put it into practice. I’m a mover by nature, a checklist-go-go-go type of person. Being still is difficult for me. I’ve always been more motivated by the pursuit of my physical fitness rather than the pursuit of my mental and spiritual fitness.

And do you know what else?! The world doesn’t glorify beautiful minds and spirits, does it? As we flip through social media we are hit with barrage of beautifully filtered faces and bodies, “before” and “after” selfies and ways we can get our physical frames in tip-top shape. It’s easy to chase the shiny goals that give us the validation of our peers. But chasing validation brings nothing but cold comfort, not the long-lasting peace and happiness that most of us are seeking.

Is having a healthy body a worthy goal? Absolutely. In 1 Corinthians 3:16 Paul taught, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” Being good stewards of our bodies is important, but we must not neglect to nurture our spirits and our minds as well. Having a beautiful inner self translates to a beautiful outer self. Victor Hugo said: “No external grace is complete unless it is vivified by interior beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like mysterious light on the beauty of the body.”

On my imperfect path towards a more fit mind and spirit, I have found increased capacity for peace and clarity, I’ve found a deeper love for myself and others. I have felt strengthened in resisting the validation of others and instead turn to divine sources for validation, that is where true strength can be developed.

