Time to act


This morning while I was at the gym I saw an older women make eye contact and start to approach me. I immediately felt self-conscious because I was worried I had taken too many weights and she was annoyed with me.

Instead she said, “oh my goodness, I wish I could have taken a picture of your back when you were lifting those weights so you could see how strong you looked! It’s so nice to see a women in the weight room that knows what she’s doing!” 🥺🥺😭.

I was so touched that this women would take time from her workout and approach a stranger to say something kind. And I was completely lifted by her words! Like it made my whole day!


I was relating this to my oldest daughter, Ellis, today. And we talked about how important it is to see people, like really SEE them. To watch out for the good in others and not only notice the good but point it out, praise it, and build each other up.

This sweet women had no idea that as a new personal trainer I struggle with imposter syndrome. I often wonder if I actually know what I’m doing, despite my training and efforts. She made me feel like maybe there was something there that I couldn’t see.


Ellis and I decided that our new motto would be “If you see someone say something.”


So go and tell your spouse what you love about them, notice your children’s strengths and be generous with praise. Compliment a stranger’s outfit, tell your best friend why they are the best in your book, tell a service worker they are doing a great job. Send a text, a dm, leave a kind comment. You get it!

The moment you think it, act on it. You have nothing lose but those you come in contact with have everything to gain. By the way, I think you’re great.

