

I was scrolling through pictures and found this and it made me stop short. I realized this was the first time on earth that my whole family was together. My children meeting their baby brother for the first time and welcoming him to the family. I remember feeling whole, happy and extremely humbled in this precious moment.


I also know I was feeling a little terrified. Feeling the weight of responsibility that rested on my tired shoulders. Could I really do this? Could I take care of these little precious humans the way they deserved?

I’m still asking myself those questions. I’m still searching and striving to do better. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got it figured out, but most of the time I’m making mistakes and falling down. I’ve gotten better at appreciating the value of a messy imperfect life.


I have realized it provides an opportunity for learning and growth. I hope my children can see a mother that offers herself grace in her imperfections and they, in turn, can offer themselves that same grace.


Motherhood is refining hard and humbling. It is also the space that has brought me the most joy. I’m grateful for Heavenly parents that lead and guide my path. I’m grateful for strong beautiful sisters, mothers and friends that mentor me along the way. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you in this wonderfully imperfect messy journey called motherhood! I love you, I see you and I am cheering you on.💕


Time to act


Miserable joy